And my hair looks and feels awesome.
Yesterday my hair didn't feel oily at all, so I just went with what is apparently called a "Mexican shower" where you use a washcloth in the shower to brush your hair to even out the oils in your hair, bring them away from the scalp and down to the ends, which need them. Worked nicely, I had zero hair issues! I also bought a boar bristle brush or something like that, which also accomplishes the evening-out-of-the-hair-oils thing. I then brushed my hair obsessively with that, and it got all shiny and nice. Steve said it looked a little frizzy, and at the end of the day (which for me, sans school, is about 3 AM) i could notice, probably only because it's my hair and i'm freakishly obsessive about greasy hair, that there was the presence of the beginnings of oil--but really, with the brushing, it only looked shiny, as in shiny like the photo-shopped airbrushed girls on shampoo commercials--WHOA.
Today I went back to baking soda as shampoo and apple cider vinegar after that, and my hair is shiny, bouncy and soft. looooooooooooooooooooooooove it.
In other news, my roommate (I should call him "my friend" since we just did get a new roommate [aka Failboat*] who we got off Cragislist but hey) was in the bathroom that he, my boyfriend and I share, for like forty minutes which is how long I spend in the shower, NOT how long a normal guy is supposed to spend in the BATHROOM. And i was sitting down here and I had to pee like WHOA (i drink a fuckton of tea) but since Morgs NEVER takes so long in the goddamn bathroom, I decided to wait it out instead of using the Downstairs Bathroom which is our New Rommate's Bathroom (even though he was out of town at the time) and finally i was like "I HAVE A TINY BLADDER" (fun fact: I just spelled that "BLADDRE") and fled downstairs. And it was a little weird. I felt very invasive and secretive. He has more hair products than I do (the count? ONE).
*I have become oddly addicted to calling things, people, and events Failboats. At least in my head. Car in front of me merging infuriatingly slowly? He's a failboat. I forgot to call a friend? I'm a failboat. Overcooked the spaghetti? Failboat.
some random quotes from chizziling* with friends
(the only way I could think to describe why i didn't lose that round of the no-blinking contest --yes, my friends and i are, in fact, five--because i didn't blink ALL the way)
-"Wanna feel my head bump?"
- "Weird!"
- "What's the word for that?"
-"Uh, i'm pretty sure the technical term is 'cranial nubbin.'
-"No, there's like an anatomical name for--"
*haha, "chizilling." really sounds weird. by which i mean, looks weird. shoulda said "chizillin" but i'm Not That Cool kthxbai
Penny Arcade is so fucking epic that i find their comics hysterical, even when i have no idea what they're talking about. Examine: Exhibit A