a LOT of time.
so i started wondering what i was actually doing when i wandered into the abyss, and decided to share my favorite activities/sites/articles.
Productivity*/Self-Improvement Sites
*i think it'd be fun to calculate the amount of time i've spent reading productivity articles vs. Actually Doing Stuff.
Zen Habits: This 4:30 AM-rising, vegan guy writes articles such as "8 Great Anti-Hacks to Fundamentally Change Your Life" where he suggests you "Embrace Your Inner Dilettante, be Flaky, and Denounce the Cult of Permanence" and "Pursue Self-Development Over Productivity." Pretty neat. He also has articles on frugal living, becoming an early riser, exercise, motivation, and compassion.
Steve Pavlina: Another motivated, spiritual, early-rising entrepreneur who inspired me to start polyphasic sleeping (a method of taking 20-minute naps six times a day instead of a solid 8-hour chunk). His articles include 10 Reasons You Should Never Get a Job and 10 Reasons You Should Never Have a Religion.
LifeHack: Awesome articles like How to Ask for (and Get) a Raise and How to Take Criticism like Donald Trump.
Helping Others
two sites i visit daily are the Hunger Site, where you just click on a button to donate rice and fight hunger, breast cancer, rainforest deforestation, and support child healthcare, literacy, and give food to animals in shelters.
i also visit Free Rice, where you expand your vocabulary by donating rice to the hungry.
Random Things
as flashmobs have gained popularity as of late, one of my favorite websites in the universe has got to be ImprovEverywhere, a group in New York dedicated to creating randomness. this site makes me happy.
a hilarious and wonderful blog that i have been reading loyally since high school, i give you...
as a linguist, i enjoy this list of 13 Words Not Found in English
as an elitist who shamelessly informs myspace fans of the sad, sad fact that myspace is for stalkers and 13-year olds, i enjoyed this article on how facebook users are not sucked into advertising on the site
(note: the article calls facebook the "worst performing site" for advertisers, but i happen
to be proud that my community is horrible for advertisers. fuck off, ads!)
i have ALWAYS wanted to see all of the opening couch scenes in the Simpsons
Like Pandora for the Internet, StumbleUpon is an application you add to your browser to wander the internet (you pick the categories you want to Stumble among). LOVE it.
StumbleUpon is where i find literally all of the random images i post with every post. like this one.

1 comment:
I love that you're posting more regularly. I came home the other day from being out of town and found that you had four new posts.
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