Brother: What do people do who don't play video games?
Boyfriend: Yeah, Kaley, you don't play video games, what do you do?
Me: Well, right now i'm reading about broccoli...
Video Games: 1. Reality: 0
in case you haven't been feeling snooty enough lately, have some fun with this:
sesquipedalian \ses-kwuh-puh-DAYL-yuhn\, adjective:
1. Given to or characterized by the use of long words.
2. Long and ponderous; having many syllables.
3. A long word.
1: The word i'm about to say is sesquipedalian.
2: what's that?
1: sesquipedalian? it's a long word.
2: yeah. i realized that. what's it mean?
1: sesquipedalian is a long word.
2: please go die.

Pandora: why didn't someone come up with this sooner? type in a band or song you like, and hear more like it. FUCK YEAH. through this i found my new favorite song EVER: Fern by Zoe Keating. it's cello electronica kinda? basically i liked it so much that i told my boyfriend "I found an artist that is so good they make me want to DRIVE, to a STORE, to pay, with MONEY, to PURCHASE, a PHYSICAL COPY."
in this age of itunes, that is a true compliment.
speaking of CDs, i was browsing through craigslist for a decent, lightweight desk with drawers and shelves (is that too much to ask?!) and saw approximately nine million desks with those CD separators and a lower shelf designed specifically for the desktop computer's rectangular brain. it's just funny to think that when those were designed like ten, twenty years ago, you know all the people who came up with those additions were like 'FUCK YEAH WE'RE EFFING GENIUSES' only to have their idea become antiquated within a decade with the advent of mp3s and the ubiquity of laptops. suckers.
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