I really, really hated finals this week this year. Not that that's New or Unusual or Exciting, but seriously. I don't mind tests, even finals, because I'm totally cool with studying. However, i am TOTALLY NOT COOL with having huge, multi-month group projects due FINALS WEEK mere DAYS before the final in that class (btw, if we have said project, how exactly is a final necessary let alone not totally evil?). I especially despise multiple teachers pulling this shit. Mostly, though, as i vented about on my FCQs (I take that shit seriously--I HAVE OPINIONS.), what i hate is this: my spanish phonetics teacher does that count-you-off-ones-over-here-twos-over-there thing that I LOAAAAAAAAATHE. (did i mention i hate it? i fucking hate it.) Here's how demeaning I find it: i teach preschool (PRESCHOOL!) and i would never do that to those four-year-olds. Oh, you think i need to socialize with The Other Children? thanks! thanks for that. you, who teaches entirely from the book (i litearally never once took notes in that class, merely underlined in the textbook) and yet still counts attendance as a grade. If someone can get an A in a class without EVER FUCKING GOING, you should let them, and not go on some fucking power-trip ego boost by taking attendance in college.
Vent: Completed.
alrighty then.
I Am A Freak Because I Hate...
(yeah, BRING IT!!!!!!!!)
Speaking of getting shocked, angry looks when i mention i don't like cheesecake (CREAM CHEESE BELONGS IN BAGELS, NOT DESSERT, PEOPLE!), I get the best looks from people who offer me whipped cream in my mocha. Always some dude who leans aross the counter and goes "would you like some whipped cream?" like he just offered me an orgasm. So my flippant "no thanks!" really pisses them off. Shocked. Angry. I JUST OFFERED YOU WHIPPED CREAM, YOU BITCH. clearly any woman who doesn't sexily lick the whipped cream from any drink or desert is Disgusting and Horrid. What A Bitch.
i love it.
k speaking of offended, and about that whole Vent: Completed thing (hint: lies. all lies)....funny story. So i've last week i was working on a 40-page Turkish morphology project, an final paper analyzing and transcribing Spanish dialectical phonology, a 20-minute memorized Chinese final presentation, Chinese homework, studying for Chinese/Physics/Morphology and Spanish Phonetics, getting 4-5 hours of sleep a night and this happens:
boyfriend asks roommate to join a video game because it requires 2+ people to start the game. said roommate joins, plays for a few minutes, then says (AND I QUOTE) "i'll play later when i have time." and i look up from my Chinese*, sleep-deprived and stressed and wired and touchy: "HOW DO YOU NOT HAVE TIME." boyfriend says: "just because he makes his own priorities..." and i repeat: "AGAIN. HOW DO YOU NOT HAVE TIME."
*anything sounds more badass when you precede it with "Chinese"
why the anger? why the FUUUUUUUUUURY? because you have time. know how i know you have time? you get to sleep in til 10 every day before work. when you get off work, you watch a few hours of family guy before playing some video games before watching some more tv and reading. sure, you're working on a neat project, but it's your HOBBY and you LOVE it. it's not DUE tomorrow. you're not getting GRADED. so you don't so much "not have time" as are "choosing to do one hobby as opposed to the other before getting 8 hours of sleep and having no obligations or deadlines."
Deeeeep breaths.*
(not *breathes. that's the verb. "kaley breathes." "breath" is the noun. "take a deep breath."\

I'm a muse!!!!
And amused. You know, because of your posts. I was so happy to see a few new one right when I got back. They just keep getting better!
seriously, this blog would have died looooong ago if you hadn't casually mentioned once that you liked it. you are my INSPIRATION for each and every post, because i honestly didn't think anyone read/liked this before you said something.
so you totally are my muse, and i'm happy you like mah blog.
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