it's the easiest possible cleaning/chore/task you could possibly do.
if i could clean the house by picking up a pile of stuff, pressing a button, and then surfing the web for an hour before i move the pile six inches and press another button, you bet your ass i'd clean the house more often.
but alas, there is no button.
a place i never want to go: antartica.
fuck that.
it's COLD. it's WHITE. it's freezing, it is flat, it is icy, it is a snowy desert of doomy cold death boring doomness. doomy doomitude. i don't get the appeal. to feel like a badass? i'd rather take chinese. that's way more badass than wearing nineteen parkas and seven pairs of wool socks and being surrounded by white like a crazy person...because if you go to antartica, you are insane. your straightjacket is your nine layers of clothing just to stay alive while you sit there, bored and cold and insane.
speaking of insane, my laugh is. ever become suddenly highly aware of the way you laugh? it's always terrifying. you never think, what a pleasant, lovely, tinkling chuckle. for me at least, it's more like a honksnort death cry of a mongoose on the warpath.
i love techno. one song that i would have put on my "happyhyper" playlist in high school is Do Your Thing by Basement Jaxx. my boyfriend can't stand it, but here's the catch: it's on random in our music and he plays video games (meaning: constantly distracted) and i like to see how long it takes him to realize the song is playing before he skips it. i guess i won a few days ago when it played all the way through. must have been an intense game! silent (wait, or loud techno?) victory! ....time for a new game.
oh, and wtf? i was wearing this ankle/floor-length loose flowy black skirt that makes me feel so goth i have to wear my pink lacy tank top to balance myself out and i got all kinds of weird-ass, creepy hoots and honks and oh i shudder just to think about it. but seriously. it's not like i was wearing tiny little shorts or a short tight skirt or a shirt that makes my boobs explode out of it like those french fries on the drive-through menu (<3 dane cook). men, you are all insane. case closed.

mongeese (mongooses?) have honksnort death cries?
I love the frequent posting! I know I don't comment much, but know that I do check everydayish and always have a good laugh.
little known facts about mongooses! (doesn't that sound weird? i prefer mongeese, myself.)
i'm glad to hear it : ) it's weird to me that people read this stuff, so it's fun to get comments and i can see 'holy crap people do read this'
and by 'people' i mean 'you'
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