more real in a role than reality on hold
experiment test let dreamnightmare unfold
this way when you get sick of the play
you back out always halfway
they read the script but don't play the part
in love it's dumb to be so fuckin smart
After randomly stumbling upon an article about going without shampoo (not for like, a day....but FO EVA), I decided to try it. (this, as you will later read, is a REALLY FUCKING BIG DEAL for me and my shampoo obsessoin/dependence). I then spent literally about eight hours researching methods, alternative "shampoos," reading blogs of "no 'poo" people, and reading forums of advice and shampoo-free hair care recipes.
The eight hours miiiiiiiight have been a little overkill, considering it boils down to this:
1. Shampoo is full of horrible chemicals that destroy your hair
2. Don't use it.
3. Use 1 tablespoon of baking soda in 1 cup of water, massage into hair in shower, leave it in for a bit
4. Use 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar* in 1 cup of water, pour over hair in shower
5. Cut back to only using backing soda 1-2 times a week, apple cider vinegar rinse 1-2 times a month
6. You can use things like chamomile tea or jojoba or coconut oil too
So I tried it!
*Vinegar? Yes, vinegar. And yes, it smells FUCKING NASTY. It made me want to puke a little. Also, after eight hours of research, I used about a CUP instead of a TABLESPOON. See why I don't bake? Countless forums and blogs assured me that the smell would wash out entirely.
It didn't.
I DID use WAY too much, and it wasn't too bad, and I brushed my half-wet hair with a wet brush and that seemed to get it all out, but STILL. It made me sad.
I also probably used too much baking soda. I put a bit in a cup and then added water from the shower to the cup. Since the baking soda fell to the bottom, i mixed it around and then poured it over my hair. My hair almost instantly felt dry, and I couldn't really scrub it in, and it was reaaaaaaally bizarre trying to scrub what felt like nothing into my hair instead of a "rich later" (which, by the way, is the result of the horrible evil chemical sodium lauryl sulfate). So I tried it again, this time dumping a little bit of baking soda into my hand and then mixing it with water with my finger. Again, the weird dryness. I figured I couldn't over-baking soda since baking soda is drying (you can also use salt, especially if you have dry hair) and my hair is disgustingly, unbearably greasy after just a day without showering. At least to me. But I have a horrible, sick, hair-washing, showering addiction. It's really bad. I feel inhuman and appalingly gross if I don't wash my hair for a day. When I was backpacking in South America and didn't shower for a week in the Peruvian Andes, my hair was plastered down to my head. It looked like it was WET. ALL THE TIME. I wore my (only) hat, a WOOL hat 24/7 even when I SLEPT because i couldn't bear to think about, see, or feel my hair. Going without a shower for 2-3 days is not quite as bad, but still makes me angry, cranky, and feel disgusting and unpretty. Anyway, i'm not a fan. I really love SHOWERS, and i don't think i'll give up my happy-making routine of relaxing under hot running water to get ready for my day, but i'd really really loooooooove to not have greasy hair if i don't wash it for a day, i'd love to not have split ends, and i'd love to have naturally healthy hair and not dump chemicals on it and down the drain every day. All of the people who have tried this and posted at all about it anywhere on the internet had really, really good things to say. They get comments on how healthy, shiny, think and bouncy their hair is--no one knows they haven't used shampoo in months or years! So I'm pretty excited.
the results so far: My hair felt weird and a little straw-y when it started drying a little (again, i used way too much of both baking soda and apple cider vinegar). After I brushed through it with a wet brush, it is feeling INCREDIBLY SOFT. incredibly, incredibly, way way soft. And it doesn't smell like vinegar anymore (YAY) and it' soft i can't stop touching it.
i'm pretty nervous about the "rough patch" that's probably coming up (i really can't describe in words my irrational phobia/supreme hatred of greasy hair) but I'm really really happy that baking soda will help, and i can always cut back on the apple cider vinegar.
Holy crap my hair is soft.
Here is the best site i found (after searching THE ENTIRE INTERNET) on going no-shampoo.
In other news: I am horribly, horribly addicted to the blog of the blogess.
Who, by the way, is not actually full of mosquitoes.
When I read that I shot milk out my nose with joyful giggling glee. Metaphorical milk. I don't actually drink milk. I had a scarring milk expericence as a child.
I am not kidding.

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