Wednesday, October 14, 2009

coffee shop thoughts

i want to high-five "random strangers"
and dance-walk and interact
(then some people are bores and suck...)
(and i realize that! oh fuck.)
i want real human connection
i want frenzied intervention
burst your bubble
--punch or snuggle?
interrupting lives
(we are living intertwined)
wearing sneakers one tall polka-dotted sock
the other one has ninjas on it!
oh! hello!
how do you motherfucking feel about that?
i don't want to be shiny or pretty
or ‘this’ or ‘there’ or ‘here’ (you care?)
i crave human be-ing
but barely utterly bewildering
is this this, this odd, this bodything
this living, this life/realitything
let's smash the clocks computers mirrors
and party on the moon
(and -holy fuck-, even (?maybe) talk!)

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