Wednesday, September 24, 2008

this is no time for ovulating!

i think last night i had a dream i woke up. either that or i actually woke up. but i think i dreamed i woke up early, before my alarm, because i remember thinking*, 'i am awake? before my alarm? i just...woke up? and i'm not tired?' but apparently i was tired because i went back to sleep and/or kept sleeping. (if you're wondering about that 'and,' congratulations. if you aren't, well, you are now.)

*isn't it kind of weird how the phrase "i remember thinking" is practically irrefutable proof? you might not remember exactly how or even if something happened, but if you remember thinking something about that, there's no stopping naysayers** then!

**oh, naysers. hush, you.

my friends and i were eating ice cream and being silly (two of my favorite activities, i might add) and we decided there needed to be more words like "SNAP!" and "BUUURN!" for, well, snaps and burns. after throwing out "ignite!," "stab!" and "shank!" we finally had a clear winner when i burst out "bludgeon!" and after a stunned silence, there was hysterical laughter. (that's the best kind.) the plot thickens: you know how some people say stuff like "get the neosporin, 'cause you got buuuurned!" we decided on "get the tourniqet, because you just got BLUDGEONED!"

so let's get that going, shall we?

jolly good, then!

and now, a tiny kitten.

1 comment:

America, at Blue Bird Detective Agency said...

Haha LOOOOVE IT!!! And you, of course. See you tomorrow sweet spirit! :)