Thursday, September 11, 2008

Speak English!!

you know how whenever you're talking to someone speaking in jargon (sciencespeak, big fancy sesquipedalian words etc) you're like "Speak English!!" ? (weird punctuation placement, i know. but it makes sense. trust me.) Anyway one of my favorite things to do that never fails to make me giggle is picture such a scene in China/Africa/Vietnam/Iran, where someone is blabbering away in jargon and the other person is staring at them bewildered and says "Speak Chinese!"

/ "Speak Swahili!" /"Speak Vietnamese!" / "Speak Farsi!"

because it's fun to imagine that.



Michael said...

Thank you for the post :)

I can't stop picturing this now, and therefore can't stop laughing. So many possible scenarios, and they're all hilarious.

Robot said...

hahahaha yay. just spreadin' the love. the hilarious, hilarious love.

Speak Hungarian!!!