Tuesday, September 30, 2008

are you calling me phat?

the other day my boyfriend's brother's friend was talking about sleeping in his car and when i asked him why he WAS sleeping in his car, he kinda paused and said "i was not fit to drive" which i thought was a pretty funny euphemism for "totally trashed" and then i thought of this: you know how you always hear (at least i do, at CU) college kids* going "oh man, we got so HAMMERED this weekend!" or "before the game we're gonna get WAAAASTED!" and i want to make this happen:

"duuude, we are gonna get so NOT FIT TO DRIVE on friday!!!!" and "that party was AWESOME!!! i had like nine jagerbombs and was sooooooo not fit to drive!"

again, let's make it happen people.

*when introduced to someone who worked at the same restaurant as one of my friends, i said "ohhh you're one of the Boulder Cafe kids!" he got reaaaally insulted. apparently 20-somethings who are insecure about their age are quite sensitive and also, totally lame.

oh, also, the funniest shit i've ever heard: after listening to an audio recording for chinese class that was preceded by a very British accent announcing the authors and copyright, the kid next to me says "Ni hao" ("hello" in Mandarin Chinese) in a British accent.
k maybe you had to be there.

-Kaley deserves to have ice cream smashed in and around her eyes because she is a lying fifty-year old man.


Michael said...

Everybody works at the Cafe now.

Want a job? You're pretty much insta-hired just because you know a few people there already. In fact, I seem to remember seeing your name on our payroll the other day.

Robot said...

haha, i just know you and shannon and that one guy who's pissed at me for calling him "kid" =P are you still working there?