Hilarity: I was looking up the etymology for 'nil' earlier today (from Latin
nihil, 'nothing' -- same root as nihilist) when I found the most interesting and ironic etymology i have ever seen:
vanilla - 1662, from Sp. vainilla "vanilla plant," lit. "little pod," dim. of vaina "sheath," from L. vagina "sheath" (see vagina).
Speaking of vaginas....*
Shocked disbelief:
I hate, loathe and despise Sarah Palin with a burning firey passion. I have joined five Facebook groups about what a
gosh-darned cunt she is (Sarah Palin is Dolores Umbridge; I Have More Foreign Policy Experience Than Sarah Palin....) and on one I found
this article, which says that Palin is SUING the Interior Secretary for listing the polar bear as a threatened species. Because that would "cripple offshore oil and gas development in the Chukchi and Beaufort seas in Alaska's northern waters, which provide prime habitat for the only polar bears under U.S. jurisdiction."
*how often do you get to say "speaking of vaginas"?? that was fun.
This guy is doing what he calls the
100 Thing Experiment, where he will go a year owning only one hundered items (1 pen, 1 pencil, 1 watch....)
In other news...
what is it about time that makes me want to waste it? i really push myself to study chinese on the bus to and from school, (ah this reminds me of the Onion's
Area Eccentric Reads Entire Book) but once i get home i lapse into facebook/e-mail/craigslist/webwandering and general internet time-wastage. and then i feel guilty because a) i havent studied enough and i have to go to bed soon and b) we only have such a short amount of time on this planet and i sit in front of my laptop all day, but moslty c) that i am aware of both of the above and STILL waste time like a....well, a person. I think i need to limit my computer on-ness time. the first thing i do when i get home from school and work is turn the ol' lappy on, and then....before you know it, it's past bedtime and i am browsing zappos.com (OMG SHOES) for the third time and wandering craigslist for teaching wages (mine is actually really good.)
Also, I cannot bring myself to hurry in the mornings. i have proven time and time again that if i am charge of getting myself somewhere on time, i WILL be late. not maybe. not sometimes. i just WILL be. "wake up earlier," you say? interesting. everytime i do that, if i don't end up hitting the snooze button ninety times and i actually DO get up, i will simply take about three times as long to do everything. i will eat a sit-down breakfast as opposed to gnawing on toast as i haul ass to the bus stop, i will spend half an hour picking out an outfit as opposed to throwing on the pre-determined one already set out, i will put on some music and dance around a bit...and i will end up being waaay more late than if i had woken up later. so...it's good that i have to catch the bus in the mornings, because if i drive myself, i'll be-- you guessed it!!!-- late as hell.
on ANOTHER note, i have about a tenth of a haagen-dazs smoothie left in the plastic cup from a few days ago that i have thawed out and am pitifully attempting to suck through the straw (note: failed. i am currently settling for vacuuming up the melty outskirts of the chocolate glob which froze and thawed into some ungodly totally weird texture that is immune to straw-suction) and coax the deliciously tempting, one last scoop from the bottom (still failing.) the ANGST. ohhh miiilkshake, please come to meeeeeeee!
oh i almost forgot a picture. here you go. my current screensaver.

update: my milkshake blob continues to mock me. the flimsy plasic straw is too weak to remove its deathgrip on the bottom of the cup, and i am far too lazy to go upstairs to get a spoon. also, i tend to gnaw* the hell out of anything that comes near my mouth (see:
gum addiction) and so the straw is no longer even getting the happy little melty bits around the circumference of the blob.
*second occurence of 'gnaw' in one post. that's officially more usages of 'gnaw' in several paragraphs than in the rest of my blog.