It's hard though, to be all Adult-y after playing with 5-year olds all day. Like in some ways, you feel more like an adult by being the one to carefully apply sunscreen to tiny faces, being the one to remove bee singers and splinters, being the one to remind them to put toys back, et cetera, but you're also playing kids' games with them all day!! So it's kinda weird to get home and have a Boyfriend. Because i'm still like "play time?"
Guess what happened the first FIVE MINUTES of work today. I set the kids out to play outside, am watching the 3-year olds and then I hear Wyatt say: "I found a bug!" I turn around--"WYATT PUT THAT DOWN THAT'S A--"
Why kids are awesome:
We spent about half an hour looking in the grass for bugs and shiny peices of ribbon, which was EXTREMELY EXCITING. LOOK A PURPLE ONE! A PINK ONE! A BIG ONE!!!!!!
It works out well for me because i get excited about stuff too. I don't realize this is normal until someone asks me about something i like, which i of course don't just LIKE, but which makes my eyes light up and my voice get louder and my legs to bounce and my mouth to grin. i don't just like stuff, I FUCKING LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE IT. i was hanging out with my friend Val today and she was noticing how i either HATE things or LOVE them. you don't like boulder? GET THE FUCK OUT, I HATE YOU. you like milkshakes? HOLY CRAP ME TOO AREN'T THEY DELICIOUS?? sorry for all the caps lock, i just get excited. and i'm not at all sorry i laugh loudly and frequently, i'm not sorry my voice carries, i'm not sorry i'm passionate and enthusiastic. if you're not like me, i basically think you are dead inside. and if i embarrass you, i'll just do what i did to my sister one time at the mall where i started humming along to the music on the loudspeakers and she hissed at me to stop, and i went "you should just be glad i'm not doing THIS!!!" and proceeded to LEAP and SPIN across the mall and sing loudly as she hid her red, red face.
Good times.
Oh is it picture time?
Here's an albino peackock. NEATO.

I wouldn't say that I HATE! little kids, but I pretty much think they're useless. That's just me, though.
By the way, if you want to keep track of how many people visit this blog in a more sophisticated way than that little ticker, get google analytics. It's free and it'll freak you out how much you can watch what other people do with their computers. I know that most of the people that look at my blog have screen resolutions of 1024x768px and use firefox and come at around 9 in the evening.
Hey, that's pretty cool, i just installed it. <3 stalkerage.
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