at a thrift store yesterday, my boyfriend found a video entitled "Evolution: Anti-God Religion of Death."
I started laughing, and then I saw that it was serious. It was, in fact, christian religious video. Wow, Blogger says with its fierce, cruel red underline that that is spelled wrong...because it's not capitalized. EFF YOU, RED LINE--i see you sitting under "eff."Taunting me. LEAVE ME BE!!!
On the cover, a happy Adam and Eve chilled in the happy Garden of Eden. On top of a pile of human bones that took up two-thirds of the cover.
One word*: wtf?
So: Summer. The best and the worst things about summer is the change in my sleep schedule. Instead of going to bed at midnight and tossing and turning for a while, waking up at 7 and then sleeping in til noon on weekends.....oh summer. During the summer, I have teh freeeeedom to go to bed at 4 AM and sleep til....4 PM. Oh yeah, in case you ever need to defeat me in a battle, know this: My superpower is that I can sleep for 12-14 hours at a time. every day. YEAH, BRING IT!!!!!!!!!!!
/don't call me before about 2. kthxbai.

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