a few days ago a tiny bug flew into my nose and died. it was a very strange feeling--i don't know how fast that thing was flying, but when it made that ill-fated upward turn, i did NOT have ANY idea what the HELL was going on, did a whole-body twitch, shrieked and frantically rubbed at my tickly itchy nose. ha, you BETTER die a snot-covered death, you stupid little bug you....
the next day, another weird thing happened. i saw this hippie-lookin dude walking around while playing a ukelele. no wait, it gets weirder. i saw him twice more that day, and he was still singing.
i wish i could play the ukulele.
every time i hear a famous person's name, i try to image their name not being Famous: like what it sounded like when their 4th grade teacher called out "drew barrymore?" or "jon stewart?" et cetera.
i am a big fan of spelling out 'et cetera.'
here's a fun game: make the most retarded noise you can make. and i mean literally like how that kid in ESL in elementary school made noises. you know, like..."ennnh. NYEHHHHH!"
now image being the driver of the short bus.
and that sound being the honk.
i was doing homework (read: "browsing facebook") the other day in the evercrowded computer lab at school when i came across this picture:
oh, but first: i learned this in 5th grade sex ed but it is still true: everything is funnier when you're not supposed to laugh. so i clicked and here comes this picture and because i'm in a crowded, dead-silent room of studying college kids, my attempt to not laugh hysterically turned into my snorting into my hand for about ten minutes until i clicked away from the picture--that was the only way to stop the madnesss!!!

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