I think i'm going to try and self-publish it, and i think the marketing will do itself....the cover will be my tattoo, which'll be sweet.
i guess i wonder where he is sometimes, but it's not like not seeing/hearing from him was ever an uncommon thing, so i got over missing him pretty fast. plus, it's easy to stop missing someone when you realize...well, i'll save that for the book.
Speaking of tattoos, i still want to get the little spaghetti man from that painting in Pasta Jay's tattooed on my calf or something. Whenever i tell people ideas like that however, they don't typically don't think it's funny or cool, they just go "what if you get sick of it? what if you want to dress up or hide it?" Steve pointed out that my current tattoo can be very elegant, say with a sleek black dress and heels, but a tattoo of a little man in baggy red clothes and a mask, tipping a gigantic spoon twirled with spaghetti noodles into his mouth just wouldn't be as classy. but that's why i LIKE it---it's so unorthodox that it reminds me of me, and i'd LIKE that i wouldn't be able to "cover it up should the occasion call for it" because even when i'm wearing a dress and heels, i'm still my goofy, burping, un-elegant self and i don't want to pretend. i want a neck tattoo also...unlike the majority, it seems, whose priority for tattoos is their hideability, i love the idea of having a highly visible tattoo. hello world, here is me. i think a sweet tattoo for the side of my neck would be my old necklace that i wore every day for several years before i gave it to lance.
Apparently most people don't think in words. Like, i have to know how a word is spelled in order to be able to remember it and to have it make sense in my head. For instance, the names Kate and Cait are very different in my mind....i guess that's why i like languages and linguistics.
Speaking of linguistics, i think it's fucking awesome that a language can be created in one generation...when 2 cultures speaking different languages have to communicate with one another using crude language like "you hammer hit"--the kind of thing that americans do when trying to order food in a foreign country (when not only speaking LOUDER and SLOWWWWWERRRR)--anyway...when the kids of this generation grow up hearing this impoverished, improv language, they actually unconsciously create a grammar and a make their own full-fledged language, with themselves as its only/first native speakers.
i was walking up the Hill to the coffee shop the other day after class, and the sun was low in the sky and was in my eyes (one of my biggest fucking pet peeves in the fucking world) and i was walking fast and kinda squinting, i guess. anyway, one of the homeless dudes that sits all day on the benches watching college girls yelled at me as i went past "HEY!" And i ignored him and kept walking because no, i'm not going to engage in conversation with some guy who smells like Savers and gets hard-ons watching college girls walk by. and he yelled it again and finally made his point: "YOU'RE TOO YOUNG TO BE SO ANGRY!" and my reaction time for shit like that is slow, because basically all i can think in situations like that is "what the fuck, asshole?" Maybe i should've pulled a "I HATE MY LIFE!" and made slashing motions at my arms like i did to the chicks in the bathroom at fairview back in the day....Basically i think it's funny when people think i'm angry, because whenever i stare off into space someone asks me if i'm alright. maybe i just have a FUCKING ANGRY FACE, YOU GOT A FUCKING PROBLEM? but then i'd burst out laughing because i'm just silly. i mean angry. so very angry.
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