Friday, February 9, 2007


Well i have class pretty soon, but i haven't written since my first post so i'd figure i'd update real quick.
I've been reading up on the possible scientific reasons for why we have deep-sleep (which the polyphasic/uberman schedule forgoes entirely) and i'm a little worried that those deeper phases of sleep that i'm currently missing are critical to repair neurons in the brain (particularly memory), rest the immune system and repair muscles. and i'm a pretty big fan of my body and mind being at least somewhat of a well-oiled machine, so i have started to do "core sleep" in the early early mornings for 1 1/2-3 hours. i don't wake up as tired from these as from oversleeps (stfu, that's a noun), but still not quite as rested and alert as the 20-minute naps. but i'm looking forward to having fewer naps during the day, and thus a more flexible schedule.

one really interesting effect of this experiment is my ability to function on virtually any amount of sleep, from one to six hours (though as i said, it's so much harder to wake up the longer i sleep). but because of this, i tend to pay less strict attention to naps because i see them as less important. i wonder if i'm simply adapting my body to get used to less sleep, in whatever form i can get it, at whatever time. it's fucking fantastic to never worry that I Have To Get To Bed because it's just as easy to stay awake, and plus, the longer i stay awake, the easier it'll be to fall asleep the next time i try. and if i can't, no big deal--only boring people get bored.

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